
XP Time Calculator Open Source Project



    A brief description
    Installation Instructions
    User guide

User guide

As this is a web application, firstly you need to start the servlet server and then access to the server through a web navigator (as Netscape, for example)

Starting the server

If you have Tomcat installed in /usr/local/tomcat4b6, the best way to start it is:

        $ cd /usr/local/tomcat4b6
        $ bin/ run
The you'll after some seconds, see something like

       Guessing CATALINA_HOME from to bin/..
       Setting CATALINA_HOME to bin/..
       Using CLASSPATH: bin/../bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar
       Using CATALINA_HOME: bin/..
       Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
       Apache Tomcat/4.0-b6

Accessing from web navigator

Type the next URL from your navigator: http://localhost:8080/time/plan (if you have Tomcat without changes over the original installation)


Day to day use

You can see now a page with empty fields to add a new task to the current plan, and buttons to add the task and to create a new empty plan. As this is the first time you use the program, there are no tasks in the current plan, so you need to add a new one:
  • Fill up the description field with a brief description
  • Fill up the difficulty field with a non-zero positive integer. This number is the degree of difficulty you assign to this task.
  • Fill up the risk field with a non-negative integer. This number is your lack of knowledge about the task, and the estimated risks.
  • Press Add task.
You can see now your task with buttons to signal the starting(play/pause), a break (play/pause) and the ending of the task (stop).
Delete button has no function now. And probably will be placed in another position.
When a task is ended, it's dead: no other action can be performed over it.


  • Divide the plan into several (no more than ten) task of the same granularity
  • Keep the plan window open and signal ALL the breaks and which task is finished, running...
  • Be patient, this is only an aplha version, designed to know all the requeriments, the easiest way of use, etc. There is no learn capabilities. Be patient. Be patient. At this moment I use the next patter: 1-easy, 2-medium, 3-difficult, 4-very difficult; 0-no risk (for example write some documentation), 1-normal risk, 2-medium knowledge about the task, 3-lack of knowledge, 4-dangerous.


Please, send comments, suggestions and questions to my email or visit the page at

Luis F. Canals Samaniego.