
XP Time Calculator Open Source Project



    A brief description
    Installation Instructions
    User guide


If you have Tomcat, go directly to XPTC installation section.

Tomcat installation

You can download Tomcat 4 (the version you need) here
Then, unzip the obtained file (named) into, for example, /usr/local directory.
Now there is a directory tomcat4b6 (or similar) into /usr/local.
That's all, easy, isn't it?

XPTC installation

This instructions are made to the Tomcat servlet container. If you have another server, please follow its specific instructions for web applications.
Place the file xptc.war into the directory /usr/local/tomcat4b6/webapps (if Tomcat is in /usr/local/tomcat4b6)
Configure your Tomcat or web application server to use J2EE security. There is no restriction on the roles which can access the application: everyone who has been authenticated can use it.
For example, in Tomcat you can do this editing the conf/server.xml and adding (or uncommenting) a line like

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"/>
(as a subnode of the Service node) and adding some users to the conf/tomcat-users.xml file.
Create a /tmp directory with user write permissions.
That's all. Easy, isn't it?


Please, send comments, suggestions and questions to my email or visit the page at

Luis F. Canals Samaniego.