
XP Time Calculator Open Source Project



    A brief description
    Installation Instructions
    User guide


Here you can download the latest version of the program ready to install in a 2.3 Servlet Container. If you haven't a 2.3 Servlet Container, go to Aditional Software section to obtain Tomcat 4 and to know what you have to do with it.


If want the source code (only), select this link
If you want the binaries ready for installing, select this link
But if you only want the documentation (for developers), select this link.If you want to see it online, go here.

Aditional software

You'll need a 2.3 Servlet Container to exeute this program (remember it's a web application, and you need a web application server, i.e. a Servlet Container -for Java programs) and a web navigator.

Tomcat 4 can be downladed here Tomcat is a a the free servlet container, reference implementation of the Java Sun Servlet specifications.

If you don't know what Tomcat is, and how to install it, for this moment download it at then read the Installation Instructions; there is a section which explains how to install Tomcat (it's very easy, don't worry).


Please, send comments, suggestions and questions to my email or visit the page at

Luis F. Canals Samaniego.