
XP Time Calculator Open Source Project



    A brief description
    Installation Instructions
    User guide

Brief description

Do you program?
Do you need estimate the length of the assigned tasks, modules, patches?
Which system do you use?

What about if an automatic system could help you to estimate the amount of time you will use for each task?
Could be helpful for your if this system would be a little intelligent?
And if this system is simple and easy to use?

OK. Here we present you personal calculator to help in the estimation of tasks
The only you have to do is to use it to train it.
Then, it will be able to say you how much time will be needed for a concrete task from your consideration of difficulty and lack of knowledge over this task.
The system is able to consider:

  • Your performance (how much time that you're working in a task is really spent to complete this task)
  • Breaks, and time spent to retake your work
  • Your temple in each moment (in short)
  • What "easy", "difficult", "very very difficult" mean for you (in terms of time)


The program is designed as a web application, that is, you need an application server and a web navigator to run it. But with this architecture, it's possible for several users the access to the same server and to make inferences about their work as a group.... uahh, take it easy, it's only a future capability, but reachable...


Please, send comments, suggestions and questions to my email or visit the page at

Luis F. Canals Samaniego.